Blitz (370/640)

From:Andrew Guard
Date:11 Sep 99 at 04:59:39
Subject:Re: Help a newie please. Looking for a good programmer.

How do we do, Andrew

On 02-Sep-99, you wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I know what I am about to ask. Sorry.
> I have had some help from people with a bit of programming but what I am
> wanting is not their speciality.
> I have tried to write my own program too, but there is problems happening
> that I don't understand.
> Ok, getting to it:
> I want a program to look at the serial port and tell me if the modem is
> selected or not - this is done by sending an AT command and seeing if it
> gets an OK back within a time.
> I have tried to do this, and I think my program DOES work and I am happy
> send it to anyone (or the group) if there is no problems with that.
> The other program I want is to get Caller ID information from the modem.
> The modem has the ability to send the caller ID to the serial port when
> there is an incoming call and the time/date.
> I want to open a database, look for the number, and show me the name of
> the person calling.
> There is a program on the "other" platform that does this.
> My attempts do not work.
> Again, I can send you my effort if you are interested.

Go on then send me your source.
> Thanks very much in advance.
> Cya!

Think about it, ProPassWord.

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